Repercussion Theatre
Directed by: Rebecca Gibian
Montreal, QC, July 2022
Written by: Amanda Kellock, with text from William Shakespeare
Costume Design by: Erika Parra
Set Design by: Diana Uribe
“Locked down by Plague in London, Shakespeare writes King Lear… Over 400 years later, actors living through a pandemic of their own hear of this feat, and decide to perform a compilation of Shakespeare’s plague-related scenes. What could possibly go wrong?
The Costume design proposal explores the past and present throughout silhouettes and materials that help identify characters, tales and different periods through a modern perspective. Denim, as main source, helped create over 35 characters from different plays from William Shakespeare that were played by 5 actors by superposing pieces and accessories to quickly transform each performer into many different plays such as King Lear, Romeo & Juliet, 12th Night, The Tempest, Pericles among others.