Directed by: Alisa Palmer
Monument National, Montreal, QC, March 2018
Costume Design by: Erika Parra & Hannah Fisher
Costume Design Coach: Cathia Pagotto
Set Design by: Christos Darlasis
The costume design play into stereotypes or roles that each character is situated in when introduced. Even though the characters are very complex, their costumes are simpler and one-dimensional. This is so that the costumes don’t give away the ambiguity of the individuals at first sight and will grant the audience the opportunity to figure them out as the story progresses.
By the end of it, the contrasts and perceptions of each individual will be able to unravel, mixing up the original ideas of who the characters are during the First act vs the presentation of these characters during the second act.
By the end of it, the contrasts and perceptions of each individual will be able to unravel, mixing up the original ideas of who the characters are during the First act vs the presentation of these characters during the second act.