Playwright: Ivan Viripaev
National Theatre School of Canada, Montreal, QC. March 2018
Set & Costume Design by: Erika Parra
Set & Costume Coach: Romain Fabre
Concept design project: The play is a set of monologues by four characters that tell the story of two couples and their friendship throughout the years.
Using the Monument National theatre in Montreal as a space for design, an atemporal space was created, where the actors could play and interact with the public to create a more intimate space. With a circular wall the space is content and visually reduced. With the use of colour and image projecting in a soft material like a proposed fringed wall, the mood and time of the day is transformed.
For the costumes, the idea of a simple, non-gender garments was used to help the tellers of the story to loose their identity while they all travel within the story of the two couple stories they are telling. Since they all talk about all of the women and men within the story it was important they tellers would not represent a particular person. Earthy and cold tones were mixed with loose silhouettes to create this effect.
Project created using Sketch Up, AutoCad, Photoshop.